1-21 DECEMBER 2023

Israel’s war on Gaza has been described by many observers as genocidal, going far beyond the boundaries of a legitimate right of self defense. Sophisticated fighter planes daily bombarded civilian residential areas in Gaza, destroying homes, schools, churches, hospitals and infrastructure. The cost in human lives rose to thousands of civilians, including children, women, the aged and the sick, with Israel shutting down the supply of water, fuel, food, medical supplies, including a total blockade of connectivity. All this in the hunt to find and destroy Hamas. Collective punishment of Palestinian people took place, in contravention of internationally accepted rules of war. Considering that Israeli military generals publicly declared that they are at war against ‘human animals’, this was hardly surprising.

Abuse of scripture.

In a striking abuse of scripture, Israel Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu quoted the Old Testament to justify his political campaign of genocide:

“Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’ ” 1 Samuel‬ ‭15‬:‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬•‬‬‬‬‬‬

Naturally, this misguided reading of holy Scripture should have no place in New Testament Christianity. This is because basic Christianity is grounded on the evangelical belief that God so loved the whole world that He gave His only Son, so that all who believe in Him may be saved. Sadly, there are many Christians who wrongly suppose that the Lord Jesus requires them to support Israel, regardless of how misguided and anti-Christian the political leadership in Israel is.

A plea from Palestinian Christians in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel.

It comes as a shock to many Christians that there are Christians in Gaza and Palestine. Palestinian Christians have never left the land since the days of the outpouring of the Spirit in the book of Acts. Christian leaders in Gaza are interceding for God’s intervention, as their church members have lost hope and doubt if God loves them or even regards them as human.

They are also asking South Africans to pray for a just peace. They believe South Africans understand what it means to live under Apartheid, and can therefore identify with their struggle against what is internationally accepted as Israel’s Apartheid.

A call for 21 days of Chain prayer and fasting for a just peace in Palestine/ Israel

Join a 21 Day Fast for a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine.

TEASA is making this call, in solidarity with the people Palestine and Israel.
We will be praying for:

1. A permanent ceasefire.
2. For the healing of the generational trauma suffered by Palestinians as a result of Israel political program of Zionism.
3. For the healing people of Israel who also suffer trauma as a result of centuries of European antisemitism.
4. For the rebuilding of lives, homes, schools, hospitals and infrastructure following the October 7th attack by Hamas on Israel and the ensuing unrelenting aerial bombardment of Gaza and the Westbank ever since.
5. All parties in Israel and Palestine to vigorously and earnestly pursue a just peace for all, as according to international laws that seeks peace in the human community.
6. the Church in Palestine and Israel to represent Jesus well, as Peace-makers
7. The international community to desist from pursuing their geopolitical interests at the expense of the poor and vulnerable.
8. For Christians in the West to use their influence with their governments for the furtherance of peace and justice.
9. For the Church in South Africa to be a faithful witness of what God has done in South Africa in dismantling apartheid.

Please join this WhatsApp group to select the days you will be fasting, as you do your part to pray and fast for a just peace in Palestine-Israel.

Please may you join the WhatsApp group where further details on how to participate, will be shared.
Thank you and may God bless us all.

Join the WhatsApp group by following this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/K6JxJMFnhi97Co9VO0PV5F


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