TEASA Celebrates Another Successful Election

TEASA thanks God for another peaceful election, following prayers by many churches to that end.

This is a sure sign that, 30 years since our momentous elections on 27 April 1994, democracy has matured, and citizens are taking their civic responsibility to participate in the democratic process seriously.

It is heartening that so many turned out to vote, even though voter turnout, which stands at 58% of those registered to vote, shows a decline of participation from past national elections.

No doubt stubbornly prevailing poverty, unemployment and economic exclusion amongst many South Africans, particularly the youth, leaves potential voters feeling that the promises of successive democratic governments to deliver a better life for all, have not materialised.

For the first time in the nation’s history, no party has won an outright majority, which brings our nation into a new era of coalition politics. This development presents an opportunity for our national democratic practices to be more firmly established.

TEASA is thankful to all independent election observers, including TEASA volunteers, who helped to provide an independent opinion on the integrity of the elections.

While the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) appears satisfied that all concerns raised by political parties, concerning the election process, have been addressed, TEASA recognises that not all parties are satisfied with the IEC’s explanations.

TEASA denounces violent threats against the state. Parties that have valid grievances should continue to behave democratically, and appeal the IEC’s conclusions through the courts. People should not take the law into their own hands.

TEASA invites all South Africans to uphold our Constitution, which is the foundation of our hard-won democracy, and to continue their engagement with the democratic process, by holding all future governing coalitions to account.


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