1. RESOLUTION ON Palestine

Noting that

  • Thankful for the visit of our Brothers and sister from Palestine, hosted by TEASA on the 15 and 16 October at Emseni, Benoni
  • Having heard the distressing levels of suffering and injustice of the people of Palestine and Gaza.
  • Lamenting the fact that the uncritical pro-Israel theology of evangelicalism around the world, in so far as the Holy land is concerned, has been experienced as part of the problem.
  • Noting the importance of the voice of believers in South Africa to the quest for a just peace in Palestine / Israel.

     Therefore resolve

  • To attend with urgency to the matter of ignorance that makes us unknowing collaborators in the suffering of Palestinians.
  • To set up a task team whose aims is to:
  • Inform and equip TEASA members regarding the challenges on the Holy Land.
  • Accompany Evangelicals in Palestine in their quest for a just peace.
  • Address the theological challenge of Christian Zionism.


  1. RESOLUTION on Discipleship

     Noting that

  • WEA will be declaring a decade of discipleship at the coming General Assembly taking place in Jakarta, Indonesia from the 7 to 13 of November 2019
  • To kick-start the decade of discipleship, 2020 will be declared the year of the Bible.
  • The launch of the Africa Study Bible by AEA in 2017 as an important resource for the church in Africa. The Africa Study Bible app is available free for those living on the African continent.
  • WEA has committed to making available online discipleship resources available for churches, ministries and individuals
  • There is a body of evidence that confirms that the African continent is witnessing massive Christian reception and yet we are weak as continent in the area of discipleship.

     Therefore resolve

  • To encourage our churches and ministries to consider to be part of the decade of discipleship.
  • To popularize amongst our churches the discipleship decade and the resources that will be made available.
  • To encourage churches to customize the resources to the spiritual needs in our country.
  • To encourage churches and ministries to join in the year of the bible in 2020 and to further encourage them to popularize Africa Study Bible as a resource for churches in Africa.


  1. RESOLUTION On West Papua

Noting that

  • Evangelicals in West Papua has send a Macedonian call to request for help from SA evangelicals
  • West Papua is currently a protectorate of Indonesia

     Therefore resolve

  • TEASA delegation to WEA 2019 General Assembly to meet with Indonesian Evangelical Leaders to be fully appraised about what they are doing about the plight of West Papuan people.
  • To develop a program of solidarity with the people and Evangelicals in West Papua.
  • To take up the issue with SA government DIRCO and the local Indonesian Embassy.


  1. RESOLUTION O TEASA 25th Anniversary

Noting that

  • TEASA was launched in November 1995 as a merger of Concerned Evangelicals and EFSA
  • Next year TEASA will be celebrating 25th Anniversary
  • It has been a long journey of building evangelical unity in our country and lifting the evangelical voice in the nation.

     Therefore resolve

  • To celebrate the 25th of Anniversary in November 2020.
  • To put in place processes to fundraise and plan towards the 25th Anniversary celebration.


  1. RESOLUTION On Theological Training of Leaders

Noting that

  • Africa is now regarded as the leading Christian continent in the world. Over half a billion of Christians in the word live in Africa.
  • Africa is witnessing massive reception of Christian faith
  • Research confirms that 85% -95% of pastors in evangelical churches on the continent are not theologically trained.
  • The recent AEA Theological Consultation held from the 8 to 13 of September 2019 has committed to reducing the figure by 20% for the next five years, another 20% in the second five years, and another 20% in the third five years.

     Therefore resolve

  • To mandate the theological commission to develop a plan to address the above situation in our country.
  • To popularize the plan and goal of theologically training pastors with our member churches and ministries.
  • To encourage churches and ministries to promote theological training of their pastors and leaders.