TEASA Health Survey

TEASA takes the spiritual well-being of its members seriously, and on the road to Healthcare Sunday, on 22 October 2023, we initiated a survey to see the gaps in the church’s ministry to Christians in the Healthcare field.

TEASA affiliated Healthcare workers participated in a survey, asking them about their denominational affiliations; their areas of work; their awareness of Christian Healthcare groups; their views on the importance of Christian Health workers being organised in formal associations; their views on the areas of which these associations should focus; how many of them have membership in Christian Healthcare groups; whether they openly share their Christian faith at work; how they lived out their faith at work; how they their churches supported them during COVID-19; whether their church has a ministry or support group for Healthcare professionals; whether their church has a community Healthcare outreach program; whether their church teaches or reflects on the relationship between faith and work; whether their church celebrated World Aids Day; whether their church celebrated Health Sunday, and; how they thought churches should support Healthcare workers.

The full survey can be found at this link: Health Survey results 2023


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