A TEASA Call to Prayer on the National Day of Prayer 31 May 2020


A TEASA Call to Prayer on the National Day of Prayer 31 May 2020.

(TEASA invites the TEASA community to observe a time of prayer on the day declared by State PResident Mr Cyril Ramaphosa on the 31st May 2020. This prayer could be in online church gatherings or in homes as families and individuals observe the day)

  1. Lord Jesus Christ, we are thankful that even in the midst of the valley of the shadow of death, You are with us. On this Pentecost Sunday, we are thankful for the gift of the Holy Spirit, poured on Your Church. (Acts 2:1ff). Through Him we have the courage to confront adversity, and the power to bear witness to glory of Your name.
  2. Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray for a mighty outpouring of your Holy Spirit on South Africa, to advance the kingdom of God. Help us, as the Church, to be united and to mature into the fullness of Jesus Christ (Eph.4:13). Equip us to be witnesses of the good news in word and deed.
  3. We pray for the salvation of the lost. Grant that in this season of despair, hope may spring eternal in the hearts of many through your Son Jesus Christ.
  4. We pray that You will raise workers who will take the gospel to those who do not know you. We pray for the medical professionals who serve in our health facilities. Give them supernatural strength and protection in their daily duties. We pray for their families, that they will be safe, even as they ensure the health of our nation.
  5. Father God, we bring the plight of the poor and needy before You. This season of COVID 19 reminds us again of the deepening inequities in our nation. We lament that the poor will bear an inordinate burden of the dying and suffering caused by the pandemic. Lord have mercy on us, and forgive us our transgressions against Your law of love. Awaken in us a caring heart, empowered by Your Spirit, so we may respond appropriately to this challenges before us.
  6. Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray for a swift decline in the number of infections and a recovery of those already infected. We pray that You will hasten the end of this pandemic in our nation and around the world.
