TEASA Statement on the Israel -Gaza conflict

TEASA laments and condemns the loss of life caused by the current conflict between Israel and Hamas. We believe it is avoidable and that a peaceful and just resolution of the conflict ought to be pursued with vigour and integrity by all parties.

It is for this reason that there must be an immediate end to the current devastating violence on both sides. Access to humanitarian relief must be allowed and the lives of the innocent must be spared as a matter of utmost priority.

The world community cannot stand by and watch as genocide happens before our eyes. We have been guilty of this before as we watched the Rwanda genocide unfold, until a million people were massacred in three months in 1994.

We also condemn the decades long Occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel.

The current order by the Israeli government for Gaza citizens to vacate their northern homes, while under land, sea and sky bombardment, made worse by the blockade of food, water and electricity, is a recipe for catastrophe, and possible genocide of the people of Gaza.

Furthermore, we recognize that Israel, by expanding its settlements throughout Palestinian territories, has rendered millions of Palestinians stateless, and a two state solution impossible.

We affirm the right of any people to resist oppression. We reject the idea that the suppression of the aspiration for freedom can be biblically justified.

We believe that the international community – instead of flooding the Holy Land with weapons of mass destruction – should vigorously explore peaceful paths to a just peace in the Holy Land, including using economic measures to persuade all sides to make honest advances toward a lasting solution.

We are thankful that the Church has a global footprint, and call upon Christian leaders especially in the west to use their influence as peace builders.

Scripture reminds us that blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. (Matthew 5:9)

Contact: pamela@teasa.org . 081 385 9605

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