TEASA Marketplace Commission: Ethical Decision Making In Business.

TEASA kick starts Marketplace Thought Leadership sessions

Famous evangelical scholar has written a thought provoking book titled ‘The scandal of the evangelical mind’. In the book he bemoans lack of scholarship amongst evangelicals. A few weeks back we celebrated what would have been the 100th Birthday of evangelical leader and scholar Rev John Stott. John Stott was not just a famous and well known evangelical leader. One of his remarkable contributions and legacy to the movement is the famous 1974 Lausanne Covenant. He not only shepherded the process of crafting the famous covenant but was humble and sensitive to listen to the inputs of key two-third world leaders led by C Rene Padilla and Samuel Escobar. 

John Stott had another passion and calling – to identify and nurture promising and emerging evangelicals from the third world to go study in the elite British universities and thereafter to go back and serve the church in the two third world. He thus started the famous Langham Trust to sponsor such work. He is renowned to have argued that the gospel needs to be defended on intellectual grounds.

We have formed the Marketplace Commission to network and support marketplace ministries, leaders and managers in our network. In discussion with other marketplace ministries such as ULP, MMI and SCO Marketplace Ministry it was agreed that TEASA Marketplace Commission will focus on coordinating the development of evangelical marketplace ministry thought.  

This contributes and builds on an important ministry bequeathed to the evangelical movement by the late John Stott. We are starting a series of monthly virtual thought leadership sessions for marketplace leaders and managers. The first session will take place on Tuesday the 1st of June 2021 from 19h00 to 20h30. It will be led by Rev Dr. John Maloma. Rev Dr John Maloma is a Pastor, Business person and scholar. He completed a doctorate in Leadership at NWU . He will be kick-starting our thought leadership sessions to talk about ‘Ethical Decision Making In Business’. 

You are welcome to register for our forthcoming session on the following link: 

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When: Jun 1, 2021 07:00 PM Johannesburg

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