Israel Apartheid week ( Pick a week in May 2022)
1. Christian Zionism is an idea that originally came from Europe and North America to rationalize the take over of a land that was settled for thousands of years by people of Palestinian descent. It started as a secular movement by Jews living in Europe in the 19th century and soon won a sizeable support from Christian fundamentalists. After 1948 when the state of Israel was formed on the ruins of destroyed Palestinian villages, Christians everywhere have been mobilized to support this project of the occupation of Palestine on biblical grounds. Presumably, the return of Christ requires it, with many end time “prophetic speculations that presume to predict the date of our Lord’s return. Christian Zionism is today for Israel what the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa was in the formation and sustenance of Apartheid. It created an unholy alliance between political power and religion to oppress and occupy territory.
2. The Israel Apartheid week. In response to the suffering of the People of Palestine, there is among other measures, an annual global civil society campaign to raise awareness of the well documented violation of Palestinian human rights by the state of Israel. Further, to appeal to the international community to help Israel and Palestine find a just peace.
3. The moral voice of the Church. The Israel – Palestine conflict raises one of the 21th century’s grimmest moral questions for the Christian Church. This is because many Christians find themselves pressured to condone the atrocities committed by Israel, because presumably, it earns them the blessing of God. To call Israel to account for her many unjust practices, as the Old Testament prophets did, is understood to be to curse Israel.
Thankfully, a growing number of Churches are beginning to reject the false doctrine of Christian Zionism and to stand firmly on the message of the New Testament that Jesus came as the Savior of the whole world. The only exclusion is those who exclude themselves by not believing on Him.
4. How your church can help strengthen the quest for a just peace in the holy land.
Hold a service in your congregation any week between May 2022,
with the aim to:
• Raise awareness among Christians and members of the community about the plight of Palestinians.
• Proclaim the message of the New Testament that calls all people to a living hope in Christ – where there is neither Jew nor Gentile, but justice for all.
• Pray for a just peace in the Holy land.
• Encourage Christian brothers and sisters in Palestine by letting them know you stand with them by signing here