Operation Mobilisation and the Logos Hope

The Logo Hope Ship is a ministerial compnent of Operation Mobilisation (OM), an international mission organisation consisting of 5000 people working in 147 countries and having two ships: the Logo Hope and the Dolos Hope.

The Logos Hope has recently been in South Africa and was the venue of the Generosity Breakfast, for which TEASA participated in coordinating.

The vision of the Logos Hope is to bring knowledge, help, and hope to communities around the world.

They bring knowledge in the form of books. OM has the largest floating book fair in the world. They have more than 5000 titles, with genres ranging from spiritual, educational, and household books.

Thousands of people come on board to visit the book fair, where they are exposed to the Gospel. Thus far, more than sixty million people from across the planet, have come on board OM’s ships. OM’s work in sharing the Gospel with millions of people is one that should inspire us, as Christians.

“I was in Basra, Iraq a year ago,” says OM director and Generosity Breakfast organiser Pastor Peter Tarental,, “and in the ten days in this largely closed country, we had 91000 who came on board. So, it is not just knowledge in terms of education, but in terms of discipleship and teaching people about the Word of God.”

In Cape Town, 47500 people came on board the Logos Hope. As visitors come on board on their way to the book fair, they are shown a video on the ministry of the ship. The video is entitled “The Journey of Life”, where the Gospel is explained.

The Logos Hope also brings help to communities in need. When the ship gets into port, it often works with local churches and their communities, and local NGOs.
They assist whenever and however they can.
For instance, in one community in Myanmar, OM donated two container loads of educational books. They’ve also helped to build churches, and a few years ago, OM opened a library in one of the poorest areas in KwaZulu-Natal.

Most importantly, the ships of OM bring the message of hope to communities across the world: hope through Jesus Christ.

From the ship, people will hear the message of the Kingdom proclaimed. “God calls every one of us to be involved in His Kingdom purposes and to flourish wherever we are,” reiterates Pastor Peter, and he emphasises that. “There are about 2.2 billion people who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And so, we are hoping that through the visit of the Logos Hope to South Africa, they went to Richard’s Bay, Durben, Qgebergha, East London and Cape Town, that churches would have been inspired and again challenged to play their part.”

At every port, the Logos Hope hosts a church leaders’ conference. By shining light on the need for Christians to engage in mission work, and the many ways The Great Commission can be accomplished, Christians leaders come to realise that they too can be participants in the great Kingdom endeavour that God has entrusted His disciples to.

May The Lord increase our faith, and may we be our brothers’ keepers, as we pray for each other’s success.

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