Honouring and celebrating marketplace leaders in the judiciary.
We are a young democracy as a country and have a huge legacy to overcome – economic inequality, racism, embedded trauma and repeated cycles of violence, you can name them. These are huge challenges that will not be overcome overnight as a nation
Yet despite the challenges we have a good constitution, fairly good public institutions, an established business sector and vibrant civil society. The success of our democracy and our ability to defeat and overcome the massive challenges that beset us, lies in us as a nation being able to build and sustain strong institutions.
The judiciary is one vital institution in our constitutional democracy. It plays a key role in adjusting of civil disputes and also in enforcing our country’s laws & constitution. Thus we celebrate when some of our leaders are promoted to serve in this vital institution.
Judge Vincent Ratshibvumo is a born again Christian and have served as a tutor /lecturer, prosecutor and then magistrate. He has also served and lead in professional bodies in the legal fraternity. He has now earned a promotion onto Mpumalanga Division with effect from the 1st of July 2021.
Justice Sesi Mbhele is also a born again Christian and has served before as an attorney. He got promoted onto the Free State Division over five years ago. Now in the recent interviews she has been recommended for promotion at the Deputy Judge President in the Free State. The President has finally approved her appointment with effect from the 1st of July 2021.
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