Tackling racism in corporate life webinar
TEASA Marketplace Commission is working to connect, support and advocate for ethical leadership by evangelical marketplace leaders. Our country is just emerging from a decade of state capture, looting and corruption in our public life. So much public resources were plundered and public institutions undermined and weakened.
It is important to mobilize and connect evangelical marketplace leaders to stand out and take their ethical place in our public life. We are called to be the salt and light (Matt 5: 13 & 14), we are called to work towards public justice and righteousness (Amos 5: 24). We are called to be change agents for justice, peace and reconciliation in our nation.
Racism is a serious scourge in our nation that continues to affect and undermine the dignity of so many people. Whilst racial segregation is not no longer in the statute books, it is still felt in the many shades of the life of our nation. It is sadly felt by many who serve and work in our corporate life. It contribute to thwarting their dreams and making a hell of their lives in our corporate life.
Thus we are initiating a conversation about racism in corporate life and how Christian marketplace leaders should respond to it. We have a line up of three marketplace leaders who will be sharing their experiences and insights, to be followed by a respondent who will summarize and point to the way forward on how to empower marketplace leaders to tackle the scourge in their places of work:-
- Panel presenters
- Mr Joe Mwase is a seasoned business executive with close to thirty year’s experience in corporate life. He currently serves on the board of BUSA and has a MBA & MCom Development Finance UCT
- Mr Bheki Madolo is an ordained Baptist Minister and work in management in the financial service sector and has a M Phil Development Finance SUN
- Ms Tabu Mofokeng is a lecturer in finance at a public university and has a MCom Finance UP
- Respondent
- Rev Dr John Maloma is a pastor, theologian and business leader. He has a MBA, MTh and PhD from NWU
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When: Jun 29, 2021 07:00 PM Johannesburg
Topic: Racism in the corporate space – How should Christian marketplace leaders respond?
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